How to fill out a 

God's Vision Foundation Donation Tax Receipt

Did you make a tax-deductible donation to God's Vision Foundation,Corp and need to fill out a tax receipt? This step-by-step guide will help you fill out the donation tax receipt and get things in order for tax season.

This form is available at the time of donation from our office.

A: Date, Name and Address

This section organizes when a donation was made, who dropped off the donation and your current address.

B: Donation Details

Use this area to write in a brief summary of items donated & the number of boxes and bags. The “Other” section can be used to describe items that are not clothing, household or furniture. Examples: computer equipment or automobiles.

C: Tax Year

Write in the year the donation was made.

D: Tax Receipt Value

Write in the total fair market value of your donation. This value is determined by you, the donor. Goodwill provides a donation value guide to help determine fair market value. Please note: Goodwill employees cannot help determine fair market value.

Please refer to IRS publication 561 for information determining the value of donated property.

E: Fine Print

This sections states:

F: God's Vision Foundation, Corp Confirmation

Tax receipts need to be signed by the employee that accepted the donation.

Looking for more information?


Acceptable Donations – What Does God's Vision Foundation,Corp Take? 

All of our stores take gently used items in good condition. Donations should be clean and safe.


Donation Value Guide – What is my Donation Worth? 

How much can you deduct for the gently used goods you donate to Goodwill? The IRS allows you to deduct fair market value for gently-used items. The quality of the item when new and its age must be considered


Learn more